Puppetry icon Jim Henson, who brought beloved film and television titles like The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, Sesame Street, Labyrinth and The...
Preschoolers will embark on outlandish misadventures with quintessential odd couple Bossy Bear and Turtle in Nickelodeon’s brand-new animated preschool series Bossy Bear, debuting Monday,...
Nickelodeon is whipping up epic culinary adventures in the brand-new series The Tiny Chef Show, premiering Friday, September 9, at 11:30 a.m. (ET/PT). Produced in association with...
The multi-night series of NAACP Image Awards ceremonies has wrapped up, with Disney's Encanto taking the prize for Outstanding Animated Motion Picture. The acclaimed...
Peacock is expanding its kids programming with the all-new original animated series Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky, streaming November 24. This new...
September is Curiosity Month, and fans of a certain mischievous monkey will find the perfect celebration in the new Peacock Original Curious George: Cape...
Herbivore social media sensation The Tiny Chef is bringing his culinary adventures to Nickelodeon in a brand-new series. The Tiny Chef Show (working title)...
Ron Howard is directing his first animated film, an adaptation of Florence Parry’s 1971 children’s book The Shrinking of Treehorn, which features illustrations by...
Paramount Animation president Mireille Soria told The Hollywood Reporter that the studio is working on a new animated movie featuring all five members of...
Netflix has secured rights to original animated family musical Tunga, written by Zimbabwe-born newcomer Godwin Jabangwe, following a four-way bidding war which resulted in...
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