Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train continues its record-breaking streak at the North America box office, becoming the No. 2 anime...
The new kaiju showdown Godzilla vs. Kong (WB/Legendary) battled its way to a monster-sized pandemic debut. The pic took in an estimated $121.8 million...
This unpredictable year has led to all-new ways for fans to virtually engage with festivals, conventions and events around the world from the comfort...
The 14th annual HPA Awards took place Thursday night, honoring a range of individuals and companies exhibiting exceptional talent and brilliance in the evolving...
Thanks in part to an ambitious theatrical distribution and strong online buzz, the new Chinese CG animated epic Nezha broke local box office records...
Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame achieved a record-shattering weekend, with an estimated global debut of $1.209 billion, becoming the first film in history to surpass...
Legend 3D welcomes two multiple award-winning creatives to key positions in its global organization, with the addition of Meetal Gokul as Director of Post...
A hotly anticipated anime release went Super Saiyan on the North American box office this week. Dragon Ball Super: Broly, from Funimation Films (the...
WATCH: ‘Weird City’ Trailer Highlights Artifex Studios VFX
From Oscar winner Jordan Peele and Charlie Sanders, the YouTube Premium series (Feb. 13) relied on Vancouver-based...
David Ayer, Rod Bogart, Theo Gluck, Leslie Iwerks, Colette Mullenhoff and Jeff Taylor have accepted invitations to join the Science and Technology Council of...
***This article originally appeared in the June/July issue of Animation Magazine (No. 281)***
Dealing with the pressure of fan expectations for an established cinematic franchise...
Missed Part 1? Read it here.
Blockchain was a major new presence at this year’s Game Developers Conference, in booths, meetings and panels. CEOs/Founders told...
Dunkirk’s vfx supervisor discusses the film’s stunning visuals which involved getting shots in camera as much as possible.
In the day and age where digital...
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