Classic animation network MeTV Toons is offering animated seasons' greetings for its first year with a collection of animated specials that will top any...
Nickelodeon has given the official greenlight to The Patrick Star Show (13 episodes), the second spinoff of the number-one animated series SpongeBob SquarePants. Produced...
Animation, publishing and licensing studio Ferly (Momolu & Friends, Angry Birds Blues) along with Star Stable Entertainment, global cross-channel entertainment company and creator of...
As production moves into high gear in anticipation of the 2021 global launch of 52 original seven minute episodes, Zoonicorn, the multiplatform animated preschool...
Over a year since rumors first surfaced of a live-action remake of Disney’s 2002 animated hit Lilo & Stitch, reports that production on...
Los Angeles-based OddBot Inc., the production company behind Disney Junior’s Emmy Award-nominated Muppet Babies and other hit programs, has announced the development of two...
CBS All Access, CBS’ digital SVOD and live streaming service, began its rollout of children’s programming on Monday. The service also announced that a...
Genius Brands International, Inc. announced today that season two of the popular animated preschool series Llama Llama will launch on Netflix on November 15,...
DHX Media has appointed Eric Ellenbogen as Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors. Ellenbogen succeeds Michael Donovan, who has...
CBS All Access is entering the children’s content game with the addition of both original series and more than 1,000 episodes of library programming,...
DHX Media announces that Stephanie Betts has been promoted to the role of Executive Vice President, Content, and will be responsible for development and...
Corus Entertainment’s world-leading children’s animated content producer and distributor Nelvana has appointed Brandon Lane as Development Producer, to help shepherd its rapidly growing library...
***This feature appears in the April issue of Animation Magazine (No. 289)***
It has become an annual spring tradition here at the magazine to highlight...
International kids’ animation producer-distributor Nelvana (part of Corus Entertainment) has revealed the teaser trailer, sneak peek images and official website for its first-ever short...
Ken Faier’s independent prodco Epic Story Media has inked co-production agreements for two new animated series, Dolph-N-Fince and Haley & The Hero Heart, which...
Genius Brands Network has surpassed availability in over 80 million U.S. households. The 33 percent increase in reach from the company’s last publicly reported...
DHX Media has appointed Jon Gisby as Managing Director at WildBrain, the content & brand company’s rapidly growing digital kids’ network and studio in...
Genius Brands International announced that Netflix has greenlit the production of season 2 of animated preschool series Llama Llama, with Jennifer Garner set to...
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