Is the world ready for a new group of hilarious animated monsters? The team behind the new short-form comedy series Gleeful Beasts hope so. The CG-animated...
BuzzFeed Studios has announced that it’s Animation Lab, home to hit short-form animated channels across YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook like The Land of...
Today, Rooster Teeth and Warner Bros. Discovery Access announced the finalists for their Rooster Teeth Digital Creators Program, now in its second year. Out...
Last year, U.K.- and Spain-based Iranian-British animator and creative director Mehran Sanei launched his Onimations Instagram collection of animated shorts on a variety of...
Portland, Oregon animation and live-action studio Deep Sky recently released the first installment of their animated anthology It’s The Little Things to a warm...
Entertainment technology startup Invisible Universe has just closed a $12 million Series A funding round, led by Seven Seven Six — the private investment...
Frederator Studios, a WOW! Unlimited Media Inc. company, announces that it has entered development on its newest show, the live-action/animation crossover series Hammy and...
Cinema's most adorable mollusk is lending an extra special touch to Alamo Drafthouse screenings of Marcel the Shell with Shoes On , with the Jenny Slate...
McDonald’s U.S.A. has joined forces with WEBTOON, the world’s largest digital comics platform, to shine a light on Asian Pacific American (APA) voices through...
Comedy Central's new Animated channel just launched the brand-new animated action-comedy series Super I.T. Squad, created by Mike Manor. The 8-bit toon follows four friends...
This week, fans can catch up on the most stellar performances of SpongeBob's irrepressible invertebrate buddy in The Patrick Star Fan Favorites Special, premiering...
Kids and family entertainment company, specialized in creating global franchises from the YouTube stars and characters loved by Generation Alpha, today announced an...
***This article originally appeared in the November '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 314)***
Ever since acclaimed animation auteur Jorge Gutiérrez (El Tigre: The Adventures...
Crowdfund: John Hubley Historical Marker
An Indiegogo campaign is underway to raise funds to install a Wisconsin State Historical Society marker on the front lawn...
Space inspires awe and wonder, but it also can be scary … and lethal. Supermassive black holes, deadly gamma-ray bursts, rogue asteroids, dark energy,...
Celebrated Japanese artist Shu Yamamoto has partnered with HTC’s virtual reality (VR) application platform Viveport to launch the "Step into Cat Art" virtual exhibition,...
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