The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, announced its key dates for the 47th Annie Awards. The ceremony set for Saturday, January 25, 2020 at...
Vancouver Film School (VFS) announced a new scholarship for its popular 3D Animation and Visual Effects program, in conjunction with Pixar animator Michal Makarewicz....
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, announced nominations today for its 46th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation....
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood has awarded a special development sponsorship ($2000) to 2D vector graphics animation program, Synfig, a 2D vector graphics...
The International Animated Film Society (ASIFA-Hollywood) announced nominations Monday for its 45th Annual Annie Awards recognizing the year's best in the field of animation....
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, has opened submissions for the 44th Annual Annie Awards, taking place Saturday, February 4, 2017 at UCLA's Royce...
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, has announced its call for entries for the 44th Annual Annie Awards will commence on Monday, August 22....
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood has announced that tickets for the 39th Annual Annie Awards, (Saturday, Feb. 4, at UCLA’s Roye Hall) are...
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