ASIFA-Hollywood today revealed the nominees for the 52nd Annie Awards (, covering the year's greatest artistic achievements across animated feature films, shorts and series as...
Like any live performance, professional wrestling is all about timing. With his new Adult Swim show, Invincible Fight Girl, creator Juston Gordon-Montgomery (DC Super...
The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Adult Swim’s new animated action-comedy series about a young girl who dreams of becoming the greatest professional wrestler of all time, Invincible Fight Girl,...
Adult Swim today unveiled plans today for San Diego Comic-Con which includes an ongoing pirate-themed fan “parrrty” featuring a series of special evening events,...
Today, Corus Entertainment announced its 2024/25 lineup of premium specialty programming, spotlighting new and returning scripted series, reality and factual titles, and kids' and...
AfroAnimation, the largest annual event featuring diverse and BIPOC animators and creators, announced today the honorees for the first AfroAnimation Summit Icon Awards, along...
A riotous Annecy Festival crowd of animation fans got to discover sneak peeks and whimsical content earlier today, as Warner Bros Animation, Cartoon Network...
HBO Max and Cartoon Network expanded their growing slate of original animated programming today, announcing two new projects from Cartoon Network Studios: Driftwood, a...
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