The first trailer for the animated feature adaptation of popular PlayStation videogame franchise Ratchet & Clank has debuted exclusively on Apple iTunes. The film...
On-Demand children's entertainment portal Toon Goggles ( will introduce a new and enhanced look for its app on July 15. The new app will...
Multi-platform storytelling company Mirada Studios has launched a new interactive, standalone “living storybook” iPad app called MirrorWorld, featuring the work of renowned fantasy author...
Sony Pictures Consumer Products Inc. and PlayFirst are working together to develop and market an immersive mobile game based on the 3D animated comedy,...
Online kids portal Toon Goggles ( and kids and teens social media site have announced their new partnership today. The entire library of...
FUNimation is going mobile and adding the series Sankarea and Shangri-La to its slate.
The company announced at Sakuracon in Seattle the release of its...
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