A phobia-ridden young boy must face the primal power of darkness in the absorbing new DreamWorks Animation's fantasy-adventure Orion and the Dark. This entertaining...
Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have shone new light on the upcoming animated feature Orion and the Dark, debuting the official trailer and announcing the voice...
DreamWorks Animation and Netflix have revealed new details about Orion and The Dark, their upcoming 2024 feature based on a script by Oscar-winning writer...
***This article originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Creating a beautifully crafted 2D-animated feature based on Ruth Stiles Gannett’s...
Netflix conjured a magical mid-week treat for animation fans this morning when it unveiled fresh artwork and a brand-new trailer for My Father's Dragon, Oscar-nominated...
The 66th BFI London Film Festival (which takes place Oct. 5-16) has announced that it will premiere Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio and director Nora...
LAIKA President & CEO Travis Knight today announced the voice cast for Wildwood, the Oscar-, BAFTA- and Golden Globe-winning animation studio’s next feature film. The...
***This article originally appeared in the June-July '21 of Animation Magazine (No. 311)***
On the surface, Pixar's 24th feature Luca is a charming, colorful valentine...
This summer, Disney+ subscribers will get to journey to the beautiful Italian Riviera town of Portorossoin Luca, the new original animated feature from Pixar,...
Irish children’s author and illustrator Oliver Jeffers’ 2017 book Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth is the kind of charmingly illustrated...
An exclusive, ecologically-themed animated short film featuring an exceptional voice cast will premiere on AppleTV+ on April 17. Putting down roots timed for Earth...
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