A second season of Disney Junior's whimsical animated preschool series Mickey Mouse Funhouse, has been greenlit following its successful debut in August. Featuring Mickey...
Disney Television Animation's critically acclaimed DuckTales will solve some mysteries and rewrite history with an epic 90-minute series finale special Monday, March 15 (7...
Princess Elena's heroic journey to become queen culminates in an star-studded prime-time finale special of Disney's Emmy and Imagen Award-winning series Elena of Avalor,...
Disney Junior's Puppy Dog Pals has been greenlit for Season 4, just ahead of the third season’s premiere.
Created by comedian Harland Williams, the hit...
The countdown to Halloween begins with plenty of Disney TV animation debuts throughout October. Highlights of the month include an original stop-motion seasonal short...
Back to school season is starting off right across Disney television channels, with plenty of new episode premieres for animated favorites through the month...
The fourth and final season of Daron Nefcy’s Emmy Award-nominated animated series Star vs. The Forces of Evil will debut with two back-to-back episodes...
Pixar Animation’s Golden Globe Award-winning feature Coco is coming home next month, with Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment bringing the magic of Mexican traditions...
Disney-Pixar has revealed the character and voice talent lineup for its November 22 release Coco, featuring an all-Latino cast bringing to life a multi-generational...
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