During a talk at the Content London event, Warner Bros. Television Studios' Chairman Channing Dungey revealed that the company is close to finalizing a...
Monstrous creatures, devious foes and incredible underwater adventures populate Aquaman: King of Atlantis, an action-packed mini-series now coming to Digital and DVD (U.S. $14.99...
WarnerMedia Kids & Family released an exciting, scholar-smacking sneak peek at the final installment of the hit animated event mini-series Aquaman: King of Atlantis....
WarnerMedia Kids & Family and DC released today the first promo for the highly anticipated animated mini-series Aquaman: King of Atlantis. The new animated...
WarnerMedia Kids & Family announced today the launch of ACME Night, an ultimate entertainment destination for families every Sunday starting Sept. 19 at 6...
Warner Bros. Animation has revealed a new movie project inspired by the iconic Mortal Kombat arcade, film, TV and comics series. Titled Mortal Kombat...
HBO Max announced Wednesday at the WarnerMedia Television Critics Association day, a greenlight for a three-part animated mini-series Aquaman: King of Atlantis that will...
Funko to Open Hollywood Store
The popular collectibles retailer is opening its second brick-and-mortar in a 40k sq. ft. space in the Eastown development on...
Janet Hsu to Lead Mattel’s New Division
The international toy giant has named kids’ entertainment veteran Chief Franchise Management Officer for its Global Franchise Management...
Gaumont has optioned the iconic samurai rabbit comic-book series Usagi Yojimbo from creator, writer and illustrator Stan Sakai, for development into an animated TV...
Warner Bros. has tapped blockbuster horror director James Wan to helm its feature take on DC Comics’ soggiest hero, Aquaman. Wan will also supervise...
Animation Magazine recently had the opportunity to speak with Kamil Othman, VP for creative industry strategy & policy at Multimedia Development Corp (MDeC) about...
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