Irish animation studio Kavaleer Productions is making its first foray into feature films, developing Sir John Boorman’s The Honey Wars into an animated family...
Sunday evening, an extravagant ceremony closed out D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event as The Walt Disney Company honored 14 new Disney Legends: Disney...
Shout! Factory is giving more fan-favorite anime features the SteelBook treatment at summer's end. In partnership with GKIDS, the upcoming enhanced releases include Perfect...
Acclaimed comedian and actor Fred Willard -- known for his spotlight-stealing turns in Christopher Guest mockumentaries Spinal Tap, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind...
GKIDS’ New York Intl. Children’s Film Festival will pay a visit to the American Cinematheque’s Aero Theatre in Los Angeles, April 26-May 5.
Goro Miyazaki’s acclaimed 2D animated feature From Up on Poppy Hill (Kokuriko-Zaka Kara) will begin its New York run this Friday, thanks to indie studio...
GKIDS, distributor of the latest award-winning feature effort from Japan's Studio Ghibli From Up On Poppy Hill has announced the film has been nominated...
Indie distributor GKIDS has announced its English language voice cast picks for the North American release of Studio Ghibli’s From Up on Poppy Hill,...
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