The next Annecy International Animation Film Festival will take place from June 8-14, 2025, and will pay tribute to Hungarian animation. The event will...
The BFI (British Film Institute) today announces details of Stop Motion: Celebrating Hand-Crafted Animation on the Big Screen, supported by Headline Partner LAIKA, a major new...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '21 issue of Animation Magazine (no. 313)***
Chilean theatrical director and animation helmer Hugo Covarrubias was looking for...
Director, animator, screenwriter and animated film producer Karla Castañeda is probably the youngest and most talented director on the Mexican animation scene. A graduate...
Oscar-winning director/producer Steven Soderbergh (Traffic, Contagion) will executive produce a new feature film titled Star, teaming up once again with Eddie Alcazar (Tapia, Perfect,...
The Criterion Channel is planning a sizzling summer programming event for animation aficionados, with 31 boundary-pushing films from the 1950s up to the present...
Ever since it made its Jury Award-winning premiere at the Annecy Intl. Animation Film Festival last year, Alberto Vázquez’s Homeless Home has been collecting...
Film Forum has announced three repertory titles in its Virtual Cinema this September: Jan Oxenberg’s Thank You and Good Night (Wednesday, September 16), Jia...
Once again, the wide world of animation has produced an incredibly diverse and inspiring crop of shorts, exemplified by those films which have earned...
Leading documentary and art-house film streaming service has announced 24 compelling titles -- including some not available on any other platform -- are...
Brooklyn-based animator Michaela Olson’s stunning stop-motion animated short Under Covers was one of the biggest discoveries at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. We caught...
Portland-based stop-motion animation hub LAIKA has released a new trailer for its wonderful new globe-trotting movie Missing link, which is coming to theaters on...
The Quickdraw Animation Society in Calgary, Alberta is gearing up for the 14th edition of the GIRAF Festival of Independent Animation, which will bring...
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