Disney today unveiled the trailer and new key art for the second season of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, Lucasfilm’s original animated series aimed...
Following the season premiere date announcement as part of Disney TV Animation's slate presentation at Annecy, fans of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures learned today...
Disney Junior's music-filled first-responder toon Firebuds is ready to spring back into action for Season 2, premiering Wednesday, November 1 as a simulcast on Disney...
For those privileged enough to engage with the experience, parenthood exists as the ultimate portal for reconnecting with one’s inner child. The energetic duo...
***This article originally appeared in the February '23 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 237)***
Cat lovers of all ages will have reason to celebrate when...
Beware, evildoers: The next wave of justice is about to hit ... and it's adorable!
Disney Branded Television has announced that its new action-packed animated...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 323)***
Creators of stand-out animated shows for younger kids have to make...
Disney Junior's Firebuds, an animated comedy-adventure series from Disney Branded Television featuring a team of young first responders and their talking vehicle sidekicks, premieres...
Disney Junior has ordered the new animated comedy-adventure Firebuds, from Emmy Award-winning creator and executive producer Craig Gerber (Disney's Elena of Avalor and Sofia...
Fans of Minnie Mouse will go absolutely dottie for her new CG-animated Disney Junior shorts series, Minnie's Bow-Toons: Party Palace Pals! Premiering Saturday, April...
Netflix announced Thursday another exciting project in its ever-growing original animation lineup. My Dad the Bounty Hunter is a CGI series, created by Academy...
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