Nickelodeon has ordered a second 26-episode season of its original animated series The Patrick Star Show, which follows a younger Patrick Star living at...
Crowdfund: John Hubley Historical Marker
An Indiegogo campaign is underway to raise funds to install a Wisconsin State Historical Society marker on the front lawn...
In a move underscoring the power and success of Nickelodeon's franchises, the network is expanding its SpongeBob SquarePants universe with 52 episodes across the...
***This article was written for the August ' 21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 312)***
Is the world ready for a surreal animated universe headlined...
From under the sea in Bikini Bottom to the mountain tops of Mount Middlemost, Nickelodeon is delivering colorful characters, stories and big laughs with...
Nickelodeon has given the official greenlight to The Patrick Star Show (13 episodes), the second spinoff of the number-one animated series SpongeBob SquarePants. Produced...
Animation industry vet Brian Keane will be joining Nickelodeon Animation Studios as Executive Vice President of Production and Operations, a newly created position. Keane,...
Nickelodeon and Paramount+ today released a sneak peek of the all-new Paramount+ Original Series Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years during a special halftime presentation...
Nickelodeon today revealed a first look of the characters in its all-new animated series Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years, which follows 10-year-old SpongeBob SquarePants...
Nickelodeon has unwrapped a tasty treat fans, revealing that the previously announced stop-motion animated Halloween special SpongeBob SquarePants: The Legend of Boo-Kini Bottom will...
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