Emmy Award-winning actor Darren Criss (American Crime Story, Glee, Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths) is joining the voice cast of DreamWorks Animation’s global...
Universal Pictures has announced that a previously "Untitled DreamWorks Animation Film" slot on its release calendar has been filled by Gabby's Dollhouse: The Movie. The...
Netflix today announced series orders for two preschool animated series, Not Quite Narwhal and Dew Drop Diaries. The new series hail from DreamWorks Animation,...
In celebration of the one year anniversary of DreamWorks Animation’s Gabby’s Dollhouse premiering on Netflix, the popular series returns for a fourth season on...
Monsta’s highly anticipated animated series Mechamato is set to launch on WarnerMedia’s Cartoon Network (Asia Pacific) on December 4 in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong,...
Headspinner Productions (headspinnerproductions.com) has started production on the preschool animated series Happy House of Frightenstein, based on the beloved characters from the 1971 Canadian...
Hit preschool series Gabby's Dollhouse is set to return to Netflix with 10 all-new "a-meow-zing" episodes! In celebration of National Best Friends Day, DreamWorks...
DreamWorks Animation will be unlocking the doors to its original live-action/CG animated hybrid series Gabby's Dollhouse (8 x 22') on Netflix, January 5. The...
Leading, global children’s entertainment company Spin Master has reached an agreement with Universal Brand Development to become the global master toy licensee for DreamWorks...
DreamWorks Animation Television and streaming giant Netflix are growing their partnership with three new kids’ series set to debut in 2019 and 2020, including...
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