Season 7 of DreamWorks Animation's soaring kids' series Dragons: The Nine Realms is ready to take wing this month, releasing seven all-new episodes through Hulu...
Inspired by the popular How to Train Your Dragon franchise, seven new episodes of DreamWorks Dragons: The Nine Realms arrive on Hulu and Peacock August...
DreamWorks Animation has debuted new teasers for Dragons: The Nine Realms, which premieres on Hulu and Peacock streaming services Thursday, December 23. Set 1,300...
***This article originally appeared in the January '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 316)***
It has been more than 11 year since directors Chris Sanders...
The National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers, a 501(c)(3) non-profit media organization of 1,100 media voters and 8,895 subscribers, has announced nominees for...
The Manhattan Center’s Hammerstein Ballroom was packed Friday with fans eager to get a glimpse at the upcoming final season of Voltron Legendary Defender,...
DreamWorks Animation Television has added a panel to its New York Comic Con 2018 lineup, on Oscar winner Guillermo del Toro’s highly-anticipated Netflix original...
DreamWorks Animation Television has lined up a double helping of can’t-miss panels for New York Comic Con 2018, with exec producers and voice talent...
Today, fans can finally enjoy the new seventh season of DreamWorks’ popular Voltron Legendary Defender on Netflix. The streaming service has also released clips...
Cartoon Network and Mojang have revealed further details of their Adventure Time - Minecraft mashup today, including the premiere date for the special crossover...
Cartoon Network has unveiled the detail of its hinted at next Adventure Time miniseries, announcing that a new eight-parter chronicling Finn and Jake's return...
Cartoon Network's Emmy- and Peabody Award-winning animated comedy Adventure Time returns this January with an all-new eight part quest into Finn the Human's mysterious...
DreamWorks Animation and Netflix have announced that season two of Voltron: Legendary Defender will premiere exclusively on the streaming service on January 20, 2017.
DreamWorks Animation and Netflix will present an exciting pair of panels during the 2016 New York Comic Con, highlighting the hotly anticipated original series...
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