The hardworking elves at Aardman Nathan Love have given Nickelodeon a zany animated gift this season, delivering the fast-paced package of promos and bumpers...
Aardman Nathan Love studio and Ogilvy Washington agency have delivered a distinctly styled choose-your-own-adventure animated video for the new “You Are the Help Until...
Aardman Nathan Love has added Sean McClintock to its directorial roster. The Brooklyn-based artist brings nearly 20 years of experience in a variety of...
Aardman Animations will be acquiring a majority share in New York-based animation company Nathan Love. The newly rebranded Aardman Nathan Love will be the...
Nathan Love director Jim McKenzie has delivered an evocative, nostalgic promo for National Geographic Channel’s The 80s: The Decade That Made Us miniseries. A...
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