Ahead of the highly anticipated season premier this Friday, May 20, Netflix Animation dropped a full episode sneak-peek of Love, Death + Robots Volume 3...
Digital Dimension Entertainment Group (DDEG) and Lex+Otis have formed a joint venture studio, KRAKN Animation, with locations in Montreal and Los Angeles. Headed by...
Globally popular Grammy-winning artist Marc Anthony and his Magnus Studios continue their ingress into animation, partnering on the new animated feature comedy Koati, starring...
The Emmy Award-nominated series Star Wars Resistance returns for its second and final season beginning Sunday, October 6 (10-10:30 p.m. EDT/PDT), on Disney Channel...
Sony Pictures Animation’s all-animated update to the magical world of Peyo’s beloved blue heroes is coming home on a variety of formats this summer,...
Sony Pictures Animation has released some smurftastic special art featuring voice cast stars and their characters from its upcoming, fully-animated, Peyo-inspired family adventure Smurfs:...
Sony Pictures Animation kindly decided to brighten up everybody's Monday with a vivacious, action-packed and marvelously magical new trailer for its upcoming fully CG-animated...
Sony Pictures Animation has announced three new voice cast members (and released a jolly new still) for the next Smurfy feature adventure, Smurfs: The...
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