Disney Junior's Alice's Wonderland Bakery, a fantastical CG animated series for preschoolers and their families inspired by the world of Alice in Wonderland, premieres...
Production has begun on Disney Junior's Alice's Wonderland Bakery, a fantastical animated series for preschoolers and their families inspired by the beloved world of...
Princess Elena's heroic journey to become queen culminates in an star-studded prime-time finale special of Disney's Emmy and Imagen Award-winning series Elena of Avalor,...
Disney Junior has picked up the top-rated animated series Sofia the First for a second season.
The pickup for the series about Disney's first little-girl...
Following its highly watched movie premiere, Disney’s newest animated star, Sofia the First will begin its series run on Friday, January 11 on Disney...
Disney will introduce its first little-girl princess with the debut of Sofia the First: Once Upon A Princess, an animated Disney Junior television movie...
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