The bloody battle between mortals and Norse gods is night, with Zack Snyder's hotly anticipated adult animated series Twilight of the Gods premiering Thursday, September...
Netflix today debuted the official trailer and key art for Zack Snyder's animated Norse mythology epic Twilight of the Gods. The new preview gives us a...
Netflix today unleashed a quite NSFW red band teaser for Zack Snyder's highly anticipated adult animated saga Twilight of the Gods, arriving covered in blood (and...
Timed to its big Annecy Festival presentation, Netflix has announced that Zack Snyder's animated epic Twilight of the Gods will premiere exclusively on the platform on...
Among the many animated projects Netflix unveiled at its jam-packed press extravaganza today was the new Norse mythology-themed show Twilight of the Gods, created,...
Trekkies have a fresh opportunity to follow the galactic adventures of Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1, which is coming to Netflix later this year. Season...
Academy Award-nominated Xilam Animation will serve as animation studio for the upcoming 2D-animated action-epic Twilight of the Gods, created and executive produced by director...
More adventures await the motley crew of the U.S.S. Protostar. Paramount+, the streaming service from ViacomCBS, today announced that its new animated kids series...
Actors Jimmi Simpson (Ultra City Smiths, Westworld) and John Noble (Fringe, Legends of Tomorrow) are the new additions to the voice cast of Paramount+’s...
Warner Bros. Animation has unleashed more information about the new DC Universe Animation Original Movie, Superman: Unbound. Set for a May 7 DVD and Blu-ray...
White Collar star Matt Bomer will be voicing the Man of Steel in Warner Bros. Animation’s upcoming animated DVD/Blu-ray/On Demand movie Superman: Unbound. TV...
With just over a month remaining until the pop culture fandom hordes invade San Diego for Comic-Con International (July 12-15), Warner Bros. Television Group...
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