The trailer for Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, the Oscar-winning director's critically acclaimed take on the Carlo Collodi classic, has arrived ready to hone streaming audiences'...
Los Angeles' Animation Is Film festival (AIF) has announced its Closing Night film will be a Special Presentation of Netflix's stop-motion feature Guillermo del Toro's...
The 66th BFI London Film Festival (which takes place Oct. 5-16) has announced that it will premiere Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio and director Nora...
8/30/22 Updated to include Scrooge release date.
As the days grow shorter, our list of must-see animation grows ever longer as Netflix has unveiled updates...
Annecy Festival attendees today were treated to an Alps-sized helping of Netflix Animation today during a special showcase session as well Work in Progress...
Netflix today announced that Guillermo del Toro's eagerly anticipated stop-motion take on Pinocchio has carved out a December 2022 release, with a teaser introducing...
This unpredictable year has led to all-new ways for fans to virtually engage with festivals, conventions and events around the world from the comfort...
***This article originally appeared in the December ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 295)***
The hugely loved children’s books of Dr. Seuss (the late Theodor...
On November 8, Netflix will be tempting toon palates with the all-new, lusciously animated 2D animated series inspired by Dr. Seuss classic Green Eggs...
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