An iconic animated duo is prepping for an action-packed big screen adventure in the new year, when Ketchup Entertainment brings the Warner Bros. Animation...
FOX has given a script commitment to adult animated series concept Taskmasters, a workplace comedy about the gig economy.
The project hails from writer-producer Brian...
***This article originally ran in the January ‘20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 296)***
When animation writer and director Peter Browngardt was in junior high,...
Acclaimed animation studio Titmouse (The Venture Bros., Big Mouth) has launched a talk show style webseries about animation, announced during the tribute for studio...
Independent comic-book collaborators Dave Cooper and Johnny Ryan have teamed up to create and co-executive produce Pig Goat Banana Cricket, a new comedy series...
Our yearly look toward the bright future of original animation talent with up-and-coming first time series creators.
Dave Cooper & Johnny Ryan
Pig Goat Banana Cricket!...
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