Aniplex of America’s critically acclaimed anime Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Hashira Training Arc will be dubbed in English, Latin American Spanish, Portuguese, German, and...
Toonz Media Group has teamed up with Angel Studios to distribute its new anime-style fantasy adventure series, Gabriel and the Guardians. Based on ancient...
Fans can bring the DigiDestined home in just a couple months, when the long-awaited new Digimon movie Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning arrives on Blu-ray. In honor...
Multi-platform media co. Shout! Studios and iconic Japanese studio Toei Animation Inc. have announced a new home entertainment distribution deal to bring Digimon Adventure...
Crowdfunded production platform Angel Studios and Qayinara Animation have joined forces for the anime-inspired series Gabriel and the Guardians, and announced that Cristina Vee...
Angel Studios is looking to follow the success of The Wingfeather Saga with another crowdfunded animated series -- this time, a Hebrew scripture-inspired, anime-style fantasy...
Crunchyroll has announced Dragon Ball Super: SUPER HERO, the newest feature film in the worldwide anime blockbuster franchise, will begin its exclusive streaming run...
Anime/manga producer VIZ Media announced release plans for two eagerly awaited titles this weekend:
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 2, based on Tite Kubo’s manga,...
Crunchyroll has announced the English voice casting for the character of Vash the Stampede in the rebooted sci-fi space western TRIGUN STAMPEDE, with the...
From the renowned animation powerhouse Production I.G. (Psycho-Pass, Ghost in the Shell, Attack on Titan) and director Kazuto Nakazawa (Parasite Dolls, animation director of...
The top-grossing original anime feature of 2019, Promare makes its way to home entertainment this spring following a phenomenally successful North American theatrical run....
GKIDS has scored a million-dollar hit with Studio TRIGGER's debut feature Promare, taking an estimated $1,068,806 after its second weekend in theaters. The film,...
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