CEE Animation Forum has announced the official 2024 lineup of selected projects. The regional pitching, financing and co-production event's 12th edition will take place...
The inaugural edition of Hiroshima Animation Season, a new animation festival in the Japanese port city, completed its five-day program with a closing ceremony...
The new international animation festival Hiroshima Animation Season (August 17-21 | animation.hiroshimafest.org), which, as a rebirth of the biennial Hiroshima International Animation Festival, will...
The new crop of emerging creatives has been announced for Berlinale Talents, and among the 255 selected filmmakers from 86 countries invited to gather...
Festival favorite mixed-technique animated short Sog from German filmmaker and artist Jonatan Schwenk has made its long-awaited online streaming premiere as a Vimeo Staff...
The milestone 25th edition of the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film drew to a close Sunday night, having attracted a record 95,000 visitors...
The 33rd International Short Film Festival Berlin, or Interfilm, wrapped up another successful edition on Sunday. Over the course of seven days, 500 films...
The 2017 Palm Springs International ShortFest film festival and market concluded with an awards ceremony June 25, bestowing more than $115,000 in prizes (including...
Sunao Katabuchi's In This Corner of the World won the Jury Award for feature films at the 2017 Annecy International Animation Festival. The Audience...
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