IDW has struck a development deal with Ánima (Aztec Batman: Clash of Empires, Legend Quest, Space Chickens in Space), the leading animation studio in...
Currently celebrating its 20th year as a leading animation studio in Latin America and recognized as a global player in the animation industry, with...
Award-winning global independent animation studio ZAG ( is sending its action-comedy series Ghostforce (52 x 11') to Disney Channels U.S.; the broadcaster has licensed...
Currently celebrating its 19th year in business as the leading animation studio in Latin America, Mexico City-based Ánima has announced that its animated feature...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the finalist works in the nine categories of its third edition, which will be held on April...
Átomo Network, the multichannel YouTube animation destination created by Channel Frederator and studio Ánima, has coalesced into the leading Spanish-language digital animation platform, with...
London-based kids’ entertainment specialist CAKE, leading Mexico-based toon shop Ánima and Australian animation producer Studio Moshi have kicked off production on a new, surreal...
Vision Films is releasing Anima Estudio’s animated feature Monster Island today on DVD and VOD. Anima is best known for producing animated titles such...
Disney Channels EMEA unveiled a first look at several new animated series — including 101 Dalmatian Street, Gigantosaurus, and Space Chickens In Space — as well...
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