The first known Portuguese animation film was released on January 25, 1923. The Nightmare of António Maria, a short animated by Joaquim Guerreiro, was...
The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) today announced the seven animated feature films that have been selected for this year’s Official Competition. This year’s Features competition...
Portugal's animation stars shone brightly at the sixth edition of the Quirino Awards, winning four of the nine awards given to promote Ibero-American animation....
The 30th edition of the world-renowned Stuttgart Intl. Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) came to close on Sunday evening (April 30) with several animated...
The 30th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS | has unveiled the feature films from around the world that will be screening...
The Japan Academy Film Prize Association announced the winners of the 46th annual Japan Academy Film Prizes in Tokyo on Friday. Toei's blockbuster basketball feature The...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards ( announced the finalists for their sixth edition today in Madrid. A total of 21 works from 10 countries...
Studios, distributors and individuals from 11 European countries have been nominated for the 2023 Cartoon Tributes, which recognize the most outstanding achievements of European...
Anima, the Brussels International Animation Film Festival, will open its 42nd edition with the premiere of José Miguel Ribeiro’s first feature film, Nayola. The...
During a ceremony last night hosted by Edinburgh Comedy Award-winning comedian and writer Amy Gledhill, Manchester Animation Festival (MAF | unveiled the winners...
The 24th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2022) came to a close in South Korea on Tuesday, announcing its international selection of winning films.
The European...
The 2022 Bucheon International Animation Festival ( has slated 11 animated feature films for this year's competition, once again expanding the category which has...
After two full days of colorful and energetic presentations in Bordeaux, Cartoon Movie is ready to wrap up. The animated feature co-production confab today...
Your Cartoon Movie Sampler
There are so many amazing features being unveiled at this year’s Cartoon Movie (March 8-10,, and we wish we had...
***This report originally appeared in the March '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 318)***
Despite all our best hopes, 2022 continues to be an uncertain...
Annecy 2021 today announces its Work in Progress (WIP) projects, including nine of the world's most inspiring feature films heading to screens in the...
Spain’s 3D Wire Fest has announced that 33 shorts have been selected for the international (26 films) and national (7 films) competitions this year,...
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