Filmmakers from Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios convened at D23 Expo 2017 on Friday, revealing new details about their upcoming movie slates and...
Disney's live-action adaptation of its groundbreaking 1991 animated fairytale Beauty and the Beast will be bringing the magic home (complete with CG scene-stealers) on...
Enchanté! Walt Disney Studios is introducing cinema guests to the enchanting (and mostly enchanted) cast of characters awaiting them in the live-action reimagining of...
The Walt Disney Studios have released their official 2017 feature release catalog, full of fresh titles, hotly anticipated sequels, a royal revamp … and...
Walt Disney Studios has released brand new images from its upcoming live-action adaptation of the animated classic Beauty and the Beast, featuring Emma Watson...
Walt Disney will celebrate the quarter-century mark for its widely acclaimed animated classic Beauty and the Beast with a special 25th anniversary home entertainment...
Walt Disney Studios has released a first sneak-peek teaser for its upcoming live-action musical revamp of Beauty and the Beast -- arriving in theaters...
CG action-comedy The Angry Birds Movie from Rovio Animation and Columbia Pictures (with animation by Sony Pictures Imageworks in Vancouver) is off to a...
Rovio Entertainment’s long-awaited Angry Birds movie catapults into theaters on May 20, and the studio has let loose a new action-packed trailer that will...
The 2016 Kids' Choice Awards came around Saturday night, broadcast live from L.A. on Nickelodeon. Hosted by country music star and TV personality Blake...
Columbia Pictures has released a teaser for the upcoming action-comedy Pixels, coming to theaters July 24, 2015. The film is directed by Chris Columbus...
Sony's animated feature adaptation of Rovio Entertainment's smash-hit Angry Birds game franchise will feature the voice of Saturday Night Live alumnus Jason Sudeikis as...
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