Ukrainian studio Glowberry (Brave Bunnies) is bringing a brand-new animated series to MIPCOM this week: Mom Hurries Home, based on the series of books by Sveta...
Today, France-based animation studio HARI announced a new deal with the BBC, which has acquired the rights for feature quality CGI animated shows Grizzy and The Lemmings World...
Recently launched Paris-based distribution company Hari International announces the first raft of sales for Grizzy and the Lemmings, a 78 x 7 non-verbal CG...
Hari International, the recently launched distribution branch of Studio Hari, announces that its first original property Grizzy and the Lemmings will have a MIPJunior...
After 10 years of growing its CG animated TV production business, Studio Hari has announced the launch of its worldwide distribution division: Hari International....
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