Grown-ish star Yara Shahidi has been tapped to play the iconic fairy Tinker Bell in Disney's upcoming live-action adaptation, Peter Pan & Wendy. Directed...
The Cape Town International Animation Festival has announced that Academy Award-winning producer Aron Warner and Academy Award-nominated director Peter Ramsey (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)...
Walt Disney Studios have cemented their 2019 feature film release plans, promising a full year of action-packed spectacles and heartwarming family adventures.
MARCH 8 (Marvel...
’Tala’ Is a Gorgeous 2D Mix of Nature and Animation
Melbourne-based developer The Garden Well is creating a beautiful, bugs-eye-view adventure which blends sweet doodle-y...
Framestore and Warner Bros. Pictures have expanded the storyworld of Newt Scamander (as played by Academy Award winner Eddie Redmayne) and his creatures for...
Netflix has dropped the trailer for its East-meets-West original animated series Neo Yokio -- launching exclusively on the streaming platform on September 22. The...
Although DreamWorks’ animated feature Rise of the Guardians is set to open on November 21, the much-anticipated fantasy is already getting a head start...
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