Having just premiered Season 6 of its Emmy Award-winning animated fantasy-adventure The Dragon Prince on Netflix, Wonderstorm is expanding the franchise's transmedia footprint with The...
In celebration of all things comics, sci-fi, horror, cartoons and general genre entertainment geekery, WonderCon returns to the Anaheim Convention Center in Southern California from...
After a series of tantalizing sneak-peek clips, the official trailer for Season 5 of the critically acclaimed animated fantasy adventure The Dragon Prince has...
Netflix has unveiled the first official clip from the fifth season of Wonderstorm's hit fantasy-adventure, The Dragon Prince, due to make its streaming debut in...
The highly anticipated Season 4 return of the Emmy-winning Netflix original The Dragon Prince is just around the corner, and fans were today treated...
The Dragon Prince returned to San Diego Comic-Con Thursday with a panel previewing the upcoming Season 4 (a.k.a. Book Four; Earth), the first season...
Raya and the Last Dragon
Ushering in a new era of heroic Disney Princesses, the studio's latest original fantasy-adventure is questing to disc with a...
***This article originally appeared in the November '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 304)***
As many had predicted, the MIPCOM fall content market has now...
Bardel Entertainment Inc. of Canada, one of the world’s top animation companies, is picking up where it left off with Wonderstorm to co-produce four...
Award-winning entertainment distributor PGS Entertainment is now on board as global distributor for the incredibly successful kids' series The Dragon Prince, produced by Wonderstorm...
The Dragon Prince Saga Is Coming! After three hit seasons, Netflix has renewed the original animated series from Wonderstorm for four more seasons. Seasons...
At a packed panel at New York Comic Con, DreamWorks Animation Television announced the highly anticipated fourth season of Netflix original series She-Ra and...
Netflix original animated series The Dragon Prince has been renewed for a third season, it was announced during the break-out fantasy adventure's panel at...
This weekend, the annual WonderCon comics, gaming and fandom event takes over the Anaheim Convention Center, offering attendees a jam-packed schedule of screenings, signings,...
Netflix Original animated series The Dragon Prince returns with a second, nine-episode season on February 15. The fan-favorite show from Wonderstorm, created by Aaron...
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