Season 7 of DreamWorks Animation's soaring kids' series Dragons: The Nine Realms is ready to take wing this month, releasing seven all-new episodes through Hulu...
Inspired by the popular How to Train Your Dragon franchise, seven new episodes of DreamWorks Dragons: The Nine Realms arrive on Hulu and Peacock August...
... Just a few more happenings that caught our attention today! Let's dive in, shall we?
VFX and animation studio DNEG ( announced today that...
DreamWorks Animation has debuted new teasers for Dragons: The Nine Realms, which premieres on Hulu and Peacock streaming services Thursday, December 23. Set 1,300...
Disney+ released the trailer for The Muppets’ first-ever Halloween special Muppets Haunted Mansion, which premieres Friday, October 8, exclusively on Disney+. Starring in the...
Princess Elena's heroic journey to become queen culminates in an star-studded prime-time finale special of Disney's Emmy and Imagen Award-winning series Elena of Avalor,...
Cornered by the COVID-19 shooting shutdown, Sony Pictures Television has turned to animation to create a fun new special installment of its critically acclaimed...
The countdown to Halloween begins with plenty of Disney TV animation debuts throughout October. Highlights of the month include an original stop-motion seasonal short...
Creative Arts Emmy Awards Presenters Announced
Saturday, Sept. 8 will see Giancarlo Esposito (Better Call Saul), Neil Patrick Harris (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Jane...
Genius Brands International continues to gild its programming pipeline for its Kid Genius Cartoon Channel, announcing this month’s season one premiere of new bilingual...
Deadline has uncovered that Fox TV's so-called Animation Domination has been further diminished by a decision to scrap the intended fall newcomer Murder Police...
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