Disney Games, in collaboration with developer Dlala Studios, has launched Disney Illusion Island globally, marking the release with a new trailer featuring animated vignettes...
Monstrous creatures, devious foes and incredible underwater adventures populate Aquaman: King of Atlantis, an action-packed mini-series now coming to Digital and DVD (U.S. $14.99...
Hanna-Barbera's beloved cat and mouse duo head west for comedic mayhem (complete with musical accompaniment) in Tom and Jerry Cowboy Up, the all-new animated...
Adult Swim has unveiled a more in-depth/traumatizing look at its upcoming new toon Mr. Pickles, which premieres September 21 at midnight and will be...
New, original animated series Mr. Pickles will join the Adult Swim line-up in a toon comedy double-header on September 21. Debuting at midnight, Mr....
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