In 2019, Matthew A. Cherry’s Oscar-winning animated short Hair Love offered a beautiful snapshot of a Black father learning to fix his young daughter’s...
Max has released the official trailer for the original animated series Young Love, debuting with four episodes Thursday, September 21 on Max. The 12-episode season continues with...
Nickelodeon is ready to crank up the cartoon volume to celebrate the 100th episode of its top-ranking kids' hit, The Loud House. Premiering Wednesday,...
***This story originally appeared in the November ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 294)***
Bursting onto television screens this fall, The Casagrandes follows a large,...
Joel Kuwahara, co-founder and principal at Bento Box, and Ollie Green, VP of production at Adult Swim, discussed the fast-evolving, challenging and interesting world...
A new home in the city holds big adventures, laughs and love around every corner in Nickelodeon’s new original animated series The Casagrandes, premiering...
Eugenio Derbez (Overboard), Ken Jeong (Dr. Ken) and Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) have joined the cast of Nickelodeon’s upcoming original animated...
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