Irish animation studio Kavaleer Productions is making its first foray into feature films, developing Sir John Boorman’s The Honey Wars into an animated family...
Something Big (France) and Kavaleer Productions (Irealand) announce their co-production partnership for the animated series Bobby & the Bottle Brigade, which has been selected...
The Ottawa International Animation Festival’s (OIAF) industry counterpart, The Animation Conference (TAC), celebrates 20 years as an industry hotspot, focusing on international partnerships, including...
Canadian animation production company Huminah Huminah Animation has promoted Steve Cooke from his Head of Production role to VP of Production & Operations. Cooke...
Irish animation studio Kavaleer Productions, has released 13 new episodes of the popular STEM-inspired children’s animation, Kiva Can Do!, which will launch on RTEJr...
Cloudco Entertainment in the United States, in conjunction with co-production partners, Watchnext Media in France and Kavaleer Productions in Ireland, announced the greenlight and...
Accomplished Dublin-based animation studio Kavaleer Productions is pitching itself to U.S. content production, distribution and streaming communities as an ideal partner to better represent...
This week, FOX Entertainment's free streaming service Tubi treats its viewers to three full seasons of the globally popular Pokémon animated series – comprising...
At the prestigious Cartoon Forum event in Toulouse, France today, Irish animation studio, Kavaleer Productions and David King, father of The Late Late Toy...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 313)***
Andrew Kavanaugh, CEO and founder of acclaimed animation studio Kavaleer Productions...
9 Story Distribution International has secured worldwide distribution rights to the new animated series Circle Square (40 x 7'). The series was created by...
Award-winning Irish animation studio Kavaleer Productions have announced a collaboration with The Late Late Toy Show star Adam King to develop Adam ❤ Adventure!,...
The Oscar-nominated film Wolfwalkers from Kilkenny studio Cartoon Saloon was the big winner in this year's Irish Animation Awards on Friday (May 21), coming...
In October of 2017, the trailblazing British animated series Pablo debuted on CBeebies. Created by Gráinne McGuinness, the show centers on a five year...
***This article originally appeared in the May '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 310)***
MIPTV may be online this year (April 12-16), but that hasn't...
Quebec studio Happy Camper Media has announced a new seven-minute format or its two-time Canadian Gemini Award-winning animated series Super Agent Jon Le Bon!...
Cloudco Entertainment in the United States, in conjunction with co-production partners Watchnext Media in France and Kavaleer Productions in Ireland, are pleased to announce...
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