TagsKenny Plummer

Tag: Kenny Plummer

China Bridge Content Ready to Make a Splash with Pre-K Comedy ‘Buffalo Nanny’

China Bridge Content, a New York-based content and consulting firm founded by 12-time Emmy Award-winning creator Josh Selig, has announced its latest project to...

China Bridge Teams with KidsLoop for ‘My Friend Bada,’ Toonz on ‘Peaches & Creaminal’

With MIP Junior / MIPCOM just around the corner, Josh Selig's China Bridge Content has announced back to back partnerships on cuddly new kids'...

Creation Unleashed: Exclusive Sneak Peek at ‘Peaches & Creaminal’

Our insightful columnist discusses his process for creating animated preschool hits and latest project: Peach & Creaminal.  ***This article originally appeared in the March '22...