The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
Belgium’s Ketnet-VRT, France’s MIAM! Animation and TAT productions were awarded the 2021 Cartoon Tributes, the prize created in 2006 to recognize the outstanding contribution...
Cartoon Tributes will once again pay homage to European animation champions at Cartoon Forum 2021, the European co-production event for TV and new platform...
eOne, Hasbro's global entertainment studio, announced the global launch of a brand-new kids' animated series Ninja Express. The absurd 2D/3D mix animated comedy, developed...
The Russian contingent wrapped a successful Digital MIPTV with a slew of international deals. In total, more than 35 companies from the country participated,...
Montreal-based independent studio Apartment 11 is developing its second animation series, having optioned the rights for the popular children’s book series Olga by local...
Benesse Corporation, the Japanese education services company, and the name behind the enormously successful preschool character and leading educational property Shimajiro, has announced the...
European animation org CARTOON has, in light of the continued difficulties and complications wrought by the pandemic, to cancel its 'real life' plans for...
Nominations for the International Emmy Kids Awards were announced Monday by the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences at a press conference at...
Award-winning Amsterdam-based production company Submarine has appointed leading children’s entertainment company APC Kids as the global distribution partner on its new preschool animated series...
APC Kids -- the children’s entertainment branch of co-production and distribution company APC Studios -- has scored a raft of sales for its animated...
France's Zorn Production International, publishing group Averbode/Erasme (Averbode Publishers), and illustrator Ingrid Godon have agreed to develop a second season of animated preschool series...
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