Hasbro’s entertainment studio, eOne, and Netflix are gearing up to launch Transformers: BotBots, the first-ever comedy series in the beloved Transformers franchise. The charged...
Netflix and Entertainment One (eOne), Hasbro’s entertainment studio, announce a new animated series Transformers: BotBots, inspired by the tiny toy line, and a fifth...
With Kidscreen Summit kicking the spring market season into serious gear next week and first quarter check-ins from major networks, there’s an avalanche of...
Peter Parker returns for a fresh set of web-slinging adventures when the action-packed second season of Marvel’s Spider-Man premieres Monday, June 12 in a...
Face front, true believer! Disney XD and Marvel Entertainment have announced that Marvel’s Spider-Man will return for a second season on the action animation...
Hasbro is flexing its classic brand muscles with new original animated series Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters set to premiere on Netflix worldwide...
Marvel Animation took the stage at D23 Expo on Friday to make key announcements two super-powered series, revealing the premiere date and voice cast...
The first footage of Disney XD's upcoming animated superhero series Marvel's Spider-Man has been revealed, and it promises an action-packed show rife peppered with...
A new original web-slingin' toon will debut on Disney XD next year with the arrival of Marvel's Spider-Man in 2017. The Marvel Television production...
New seasons of Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister 6 and Marvel's Avengers: Ultron Revolution are heading to Disney XD in the coming months,...
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