Today, Prime Video premiered the official trailer for its highly anticipated adult-animated anthology series Secret Level, from Amazon MGM Studios and Blur Studio. The...
Today, Prime Video announced the official cast for its upcoming adult-animated anthology series, Secret Level, from Amazon MGM Studios and Blur Studio, during its...
Co-host of CBS Mornings and CBS Sports Analyst Nate Burleson and digital superstar Charli D’Amelio will embark on an immersive and slime-tastic adventure as co-hosts of Nickelodeon’s Kids’...
The NAACP today announced the nominees for the 54th NAACP Image Awards (, celebrating the achievements of Black artists and creators across film, television...
On the heels as his guest Shark appearance on ABC's Shark Tank, entertainer and entrepreneur Kevin Hart’s global media company Hartbeat has closed its...
The furred, hooved and shelled heroes of DC League of Super-Pets proved their mettle in spite of the summer box-office slowdown, as the Warner Bros....
Confessions from the Hart, the new Roku Original special from Kevin Hart’s global, multi-platform entertainment company HARTBEAT, premieres today (Wed., July 6) in honor...
In the newly unleashed trailer for Warner Bros. Pictures' summer caped-caper, DC League of Super-Pets, fans are introduced into the daily life of spoiled...
Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards 2022 was an epic night filled with a record-breaking 1,000 slimings on Saturday, April 9, at 7:30 p.m. (ET/PT), live...
Nickelodeon today revealed the nominations for the 2020 Kids’ Choice Awards, with an animation category race that shows the enduring popularity of fan-favorite series...
NBCUniversal is ready to ruffle feathers in the streaming game with the launch of its Peacock service this summer. The company announced Thursday that...
The Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) announced the nominees for the 67th Annual MPSE Golden Reel Awards. Nominees represent the work of the world’s...
Heartwarming, gut-busting animated family blockbuster The Secret Life of Pets 2 is ready to be adopted on disc and digital this summer, through Universal...
Disney Wants Melissa McCarthy to Play Ursula in 'The Little Mermaid'
The project is being directed by Rob Marshall (Mary Poppins Returns) and will feature...
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