DreamWorks Animation’s next Shrek franchise installment, Puss in Boots 2, will be placed in the capable hands of newly crowned Oscar winner Bob Persichetti...
Sink your teeth into the summer’s most monstrous animated blockbuster ($425+ million worldwide) as Sony Pictures Animation’s Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation checks in...
In 2015, after captaining two entries in Sony Pictures Animation’s monster franchise Hotel Transylvania, animation maestro Genndy Tartakovsky was ready to abandon ship when...
A new trailer has docked for Sony Pictures Animation’s upcoming sequel Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation -- featuring a festive tour of the world’s...
Columbia Pictures has released a teaser for the upcoming action-comedy Pixels, coming to theaters July 24, 2015. The film is directed by Chris Columbus...
Sony Pictures Animation has released three official stills and a spankin’ new teaser trailer for Genndy Tartakovsky’s upcoming CG sequel Hotel Transylvania 2 --...
Genndy Tartakovsky’s blockbuster comedy Hotel Transylvania arrives on DVD and Blu-ray today, after making over $324 million worldwide. The Sony Animation feature, which began...
Sony Pictures Animation’s highly anticipated 3-D CG feature Hotel Transylvania will get its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (Sept. 6-16) during...
Director Genndy Tartakovsky (Dexter’s Laboratory, Samurai Jack, Star Wars: Clone Wars) and producer Michelle Murdocca (Open Season) will share new footage from their upcoming...
Can a one-two comedy punch topple the mighty Transformers where other films have failed?
That's the test of this weekend's box office, as Michael Bay's...
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