Since its premiere in May 2020, Solar Opposites — Hulu’s adult animated “silly aliens in suburbia” show has entertained audiences and surpassed expectations. This...
This week, a new out-of-this-world medical is paging viewers to Prime Video: From Emmy-winning creator Cirocco Dunlap and Maya Rudolph, Danielle Renfrew Behrens and...
Fans of genre-bending adult animated comedy, this is your lucky month. The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy, an eagerly anticipated new show that blends...
Netflix has released the opening credits sequence for its upcoming anime series Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (8 x 25'), featuring custom animation by Science...
After a period of cosmic interference, the dysfunctional ETs of animated Hulu Original series Solar Opposites have settled a fourth season of wildly bizarre, hilarious...
Today, Netflix and UCP (a division of Universal Studios Group) confirmed an all-new anime series based on Scott Pilgrim (official title to be announced),...
With a Tarantino-like swagger and twisted sense of humor that Elvis was apparently known for, Netflix’s adults-only animated series Agent Elvis lands on the...
Netflix has dropped a fully rocking, explosive and outrageous trailer for Agent Elvis, the new adult animated comedy series from Sony Pictures Animation that sees...
Amazon Studios today announced that it has ordered two seasons of The Hospital, a new sci-fi animated comedy created by Cirocco Dunlap and executive produced by...
***This article originally appeared in the April '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 319)***
Superheroes have never been the same since the debut of The...
Today, Prime Video revealed the delightfully unhinged trailer and key art for The Boys Presents: Diabolical, the eight-episode animated anthology series set in the...
Today, Prime Video revealed some of the all-star voice talent featured in The Boys Presents: Diabolical, the eight-episode animated anthology series set in the...
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