The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences today announced the nominations for the 3rd Children's & Family Emmys, honoring the year's outstanding young audiences...
Today, during the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Disney Branded Television (DBT) announced a lineup of new animated projects and shared first looks from...
For this year's ever-inspiring Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Branded Television will unveil a handpicked selection...
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) today announced the nominations for the 2nd Annual Children’s & Family Emmy Awards. In the...
Animated chills and thrills abound this spooky season across Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney+! Disney Branded Television today unveiled a detailed roster of Halloween-themed tricks and...
In 2015, South African animation studio Triggerfish, which is best known for animated features such as Zambezia, Khumba and Seal Team and producing episodes...
This spring, Disney Channel and Disney+ viewers were introduced to a new rodent running amok in the Mouse House with Kiff, the vibrant cartoon buddy...
Today, Disney Branded Television and Disney Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) took to the stage at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival to...
Crunchyroll today announced the English-language dub cast for the critically acclaimed, box office hit new Makoto Shinkai animated feature Suzume, set to debut in theaters...
Disney Branded Television has announced its upcoming animated buddy-comedy series Kiff will star Kimiko Glenn (Orange Is the New Black) in the titular role...
Douglas Bensimon and Edward Mejia have both been promoted to Vice President of Current Series, Disney Television Animation, the animation studio within Disney Branded...
Today, Disney Television Animation, Disney Junior and Disney Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) took to the stage at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival to announce...
In a first time format for the event, the hybrid Cape Town International Animation Festival (CTIAF) was a resounding success. Presented by Animation SA,...
South African creators and executive producers, Lucy Heavens (Space Chickens in Space) and Nic Smal (Caillou) are behind Disney Television Animation’s upcoming animated buddy-comedy,...
Disney Channel has ordered Kiff, a nutty animated buddy-comedy series from South African creators and executive producers Lucy Heavens (Space Chickens in Space) and...
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