Following his second Academy Award win for Best Animated feature for The Boy and the Heron, filmmaker and Studio Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki is reportedly feeling...
Legendary director/writer/illustrator Hayao Miyazaki's final, final film opened in Japan this Friday, July 14. With no marketing or information reveals to speak of, fans...
Makoto Shinkai’s latest movie, Suzume no Tojimari (Suzume: The Closing of the Doors, shortened to Suzume for the English-language release) is one of the...
Heritage's The Art of Anime and Everything Cool Signature Auction continues to gain popularity and attract eye-catching consignments to tempt collectors of original comics,...
GKIDS announced today that it will release the catalog of Japan’s legendary, Oscar-winning animation house Studio Ghibli, for digital download-to-rent in the United States...
Anime fans and collectors will find must-have treasures in Heritage Auctions’ Art of Anime and Everything Cool II Animation Art Signature Auction Dec. 10-13. The...
Production animation cels and backgrounds from the most critically-acclaimed and culturally-influential anime films, television series and characters to headline a three-day auction event June...
Legendary Japanese animation powerhouse Studio Ghibli is continuing to roll out creative content for fans to create some happiness during the global pandemic. The...
Studio Ghibli and GKIDS, with distribution by Shout! Factory, will release My Neighbor Totoro and Princess Mononoke, from the famed Studio Ghibli library of...
Read on for animated highlights from the world of licensing & merchandising, fashion, fun and collectibles from New York Toy Fair 2018 and beyond.
Studio Ghibli, GKIDS and home entertainment distributor Shout! Factory have upgraded one of the most coveted animation collections, offering a raft of new Blu-ray...
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