Puptacular kids' action-adventure PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie is rocketing off its successful theatrical run onto home video, debuting Tuesday, October 31 on Digital and...
Spin Master Corp. (spinmaster.com) announced today that it will produce a third feature film for its preschool powerhouse franchise PAW Patrol. A Spin Master...
Paramount, Nickelodeon Movies and Spin Master Entertainment have released a new poster for their upcoming fall feature Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie. The sequel...
From Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies and Spin Master Entertainment, preschooler's beloved four-legged pack of heroes is ready to unleash their powers in the new...
Spin Master Entertainment, Nickelodeon Movies and Paramount Pictures today revealed a star-studded lineup of new and returning talent who will join Golden Globe winner...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Interest in animated feature projects continues to grow, so it’s never...
Fox has announced a string of high-profile guest stars providing voices to its primetime original animated series when they return with new episodes in...
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