Shooting Script Films and BAFTA-winning animation studio King Rollo Films launched a cheerful, animated short-form web series Streetcat Bob, inspired by the true life...
Strategic media agency Film London has appointed industry expert Julian Scott as Animation & Television Consultant, tapping his wealth of experience in kids’ TV...
Koko Rose Media, King Rollo Films and Bejuba! have signed on three-time Emmy-winning creative executive Karen Fowler as Showrunner for Flora of the Forest...
Canadian kids entertainment company Bejuba! Entertainment has inked a deal with Koko Rose Media, picking up global distribution rights for animated preschool series Deer...
+ Kids and family entertainment producer and rights management company Coolabi will produce a second season of its animated preschool series Poppy Cat. The...
Coolabi has appointed two new agents for its hit property, Poppy Cat, extending the brand further into the key territories of France and Korea.
Hit preschool animation series Poppy Cat from London-based Coolabi has secured a further U.S. broadcast home on the new Sprout-programmed NBC KIDS block which...
UK-based producer and rights management company Coolabi has landed a U.S. distribution deal with Entertainment One (eOne) for its preschool animated show Poppy Cat...
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