Filmmakers Chris and Justin Copeland, known collectively as The Copeland Brothers, have joined award-winning studio LAIKA (Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings) to develop...
Tony Award-winner Billy Porter (Kinky Boots) joins the cast of Nickelodeon's original animated series Middlemost Post as the Recycle King in an all-new episode...
From under the sea in Bikini Bottom to the mountain tops of Mount Middlemost, Nickelodeon is delivering colorful characters, stories and big laughs with...
WarnerMedia streamer HBO Max is halting the royal procession of writer-producer Gary Janetti's British monarchy satire The Prince due to the death at age...
The 32nd Annual GLAAD Media Awards premiered this week on GLAAD's YouTube channel, recognizing and honoring media for fair, accurate and inclusive representations of...
In a new video produced for International Women's Day 2021, DreamWorks Animation President Margie Cohn introduces fans of the studio's hit series and features...
Ian Sheppard has been appointed Head of Development at award-winning animation studio LAIKA, known for the films Coraline, ParaNorman, The Boxtrolls, Kubo and the...
Universal and DreamWorks Animation have released the trailer for Season 2 of the hit Netflix Original series Fast & Furious: Spy Racers, which finds...
DreamWorks Animation has announced the streamlining of executive leadership within its TV division under Teri Weiss, Executive Vice President of Development, and Kelly Kulchak,...
***This article originally appeared in the March ‘20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 298)***
Radford Sechrist and Bill Wolkoff are genuinely excited about presenting their...
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