Having recently returned to the DreamWorks Animation release slate, The Croods 2 has got its helmer, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The studio has...
The adventures of the rambunctious Croods family will continue in a brand new sequel at DreamWorks. According to The Hollywood Reporter, a sequel to...
In theaters today, DreamWorks Animation’s latest feature The Croods goes back to the basics with a strong family comedy set in a magical, prehistoric...
DreamWorks Animation and distribution partner 20th Century Fox have unleashed two new posters for the upcoming 3-D CG caveman comedy, The Croods. In addition...
DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming feature The Croods will be making its debut at the 2013 Berlin International Film Festival. The 3-D, prehistoric family adventure is...
Move over, The Flintstones! There’s a new animated stone age family in town. DreamWorks Animation released the new trailer for its upcoming feature The...
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