Nearly a year after DreamWorks Animation's then-new owner NBCUniversal axed plans for the sequel, Universal Pictures has announced that The Croods 2 is back...
As the plaudits for Moana roll in like ocean waves, there’s more good news for songwriter and Broadway hit-maker Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton), Deadline Hollywood...
20th Century Fox has pushed DreamWorks Animations’ prehistoric sequel The Croods 2 back to an unspecified date in 2018. The follow-up film was originally...
All new adventures featuring DreamWorks Animation's popular prehistoric family will bow on Netflix on December 24 as the streaming platform introduces audiences to Dawn...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 271 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
The nominees for the 71st annual Golden Globe Awards have been unveiled, and Toon Town seems a bit under-represented considering all the great flicks...
Animation Magazine has announced its full lineup of guests and events for next month's three-day event (Nov. 3-5). Sony Pictures Imageworks' award-winning vfx supervisor...
Animation Magazine has announced its full lineup of guests and events for next month's three-day event (Nov. 3-5). Sony Pictures Imageworks' award-winning vfx supervisor...
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