As part of Disney’s 100th anniversary celebrations, the studio is presenting a series of special theatrical engagements for eight classic films, in two-week limited...
GFM Animation (Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank, A Greyhound of a Girl) and Threshold Entertainment have teamed up with Simon Cowell's Syco Entertainment...
In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of its Best Picture Oscar-nominated animated feature Beauty and the Beast, Disney is not only preparing a lovely...
Walt Disney will celebrate the quarter-century mark for its widely acclaimed animated classic Beauty and the Beast with a special 25th anniversary home entertainment...
This week's buzz-worthy CG animation Confab SIGGRAPH has released the video of its opening day keynote, which was presented in collaboration with the Academy...
During Monday's keynote panel at SIGGRAPH, which featured top Toon Town vets from major studios, acclaimed stop-motion film director Henry Selick (Coraline, The Nightmare...
Cinelicious recently finished the 4K restoration of the animated films featured in The Giants' First Steps, a program by The Academy of Motion Picture...
How Disney Feature Animation blended artistry and technology to bring Beauty and the Beast into 3-D.
In the midst of the stereoscopic Renaissance, with technology...
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