Complementing the solo animated feature entry Ghost Cat Anzu, another Japanese work will represent animation in the Short Film section of the Cannes Directors' Fortnight...
The 24th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2022) came to a close in South Korea on Tuesday, announcing its international selection of winning films.
The European...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine***
Chris Robinson is the longtime artistic director of the Ottawa International Animation Festival...
The 2022 Bucheon International Animation Festival ( has slated 11 animated feature films for this year's competition, once again expanding the category which has...
The inaugural edition of Hiroshima Animation Season, a new animation festival in the Japanese port city, completed its five-day program with a closing ceremony...
The new international animation festival Hiroshima Animation Season (August 17-21 |, which, as a rebirth of the biennial Hiroshima International Animation Festival, will...
After receiving 76 submissions for this year’s Features Competition, the Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) selected seven animated works representing diverse voices in animation. OIAF 2022’s Features Competition includes:
The World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb 2022, celebrating the Croatian celebration's 50th anniversary, came to a close Saturday evening with the...
World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb 2022 has revealed the official election in the Grand Competition - Feature Film category. This year's...
The 15th Fest Anča International Animation Festival has announced its selection of animated short films! More than 1,250 films from 68 countries all over...
The Annecy Festival selection committee has announced the Official Selection for 2022. This year, more than 1,347 short films were submitted for consideration (152...
The Oscar-qualifying New York International Children’s Film Festival announced the complete short films lineup for its 2022 event, which runs March 4-19 at SVA...
Cardiff Animation Festival (CAF) is back for its third year, and has announced its official selection of animated short films in competition. This year,...
A newly established animation festival, Hiroshima Animation Season has opened its call for entries for the film Competition and applicants for the Artist-in-Residence program....
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
In Honami Yano’s acclaimed short A Bite of Bone (Honekami), memories...
Anime NYC powered by Crunchyroll (, one of North America’s largest dedicated anime, manga and Japanese pop culture conventions, will present three days of...
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