As a way to honor the previous installments of the MonsterVerse established by Legendary Entertainment, Toho Company and Warner Bros. Entertainment, show creators Chris...
Netflix, Legendary Plan 'Gundam' Live-Action Feature
Kong: Skull Island helmer Jordan Vogt-Roberts is tapped to direct the flick inspired by the 40+ year old hit...
The new kaiju showdown Godzilla vs. Kong (WB/Legendary) battled its way to a monster-sized pandemic debut. The pic took in an estimated $121.8 million...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 819 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
The Visual Effects Society (VES), the industry’s global professional honorary society, announced the 2019 inductees into the VES Hall of Fame, the newest Lifetime...
***This story originally appeared in the February ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 287)***
A vicious attack outside of a bar resulted in Mark Hogancamp...
During its first-ever content showcase in Asia, held in Singapore Thursday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos unveiled 17 new,...
Technicolor’s Academy Award-winning VFX studio Mill Film has appointed Mark Thorley to head its Australia operations as Managing Director. The announcement comes in the...
The 90th Academy Awards were held Sunday night, and unsurprisingly Pixar's Coco was the big animated feature winner, giving director Lee Unkrich and producer...
Academy Award-winning visual effects supervisor Jeff White has assumed the role of Creative Director for Industrial Light & Magic’s Vancouver, BC studio. A 16-year...
Masaaki Yuasa’s ‘Mind Game’ Returns to Select Theaters
The completely trippy and utterly engrossing cult classic from the famed director of Lu Over the Wall...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced the nominees for the 90th Annual Academy Awards this morning.
The winners will be announced at...
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